[root@localhost root]# linuxdown
Version 1.0 Build by KongYang, SJTU, China
usage: lunixdown "PATH" [REFERER] threadnumber
if you want to download a broken file use the following command
linuxdown filename.zxw
.zxw file will be found in your current directory
For example: linuxdown "http://be_heack.com/linuxdown.c" "http://be_heack.com/index.html" 10
PATH can be got just by right-click the link and copy link location.
RFERER is the site address you get your PATH from.
Threadnumber must be an integer less than 20
You need to use quotation mark to surround PATH in order to avoid problems caused by "&".
File will be stored at "./" with the name got from net.