$ ./skyeye -e vmlinux -c skyeye.conf
------------------------- SkyEye -V1.0 ---------------------------
Usage: SkyEye [options] program [program args]
Default mode is STANDALONE mode
-e exec-file the (ELF executable format)kernel file name.
-d in GDB Server mode (can be connected by GDB).
-c config-file the skyeye configure file name.
-h This Help Display
debugmode= 0, filename = skyeye.conf, server TCP port is 12345
cpu info: xscale, pxa27x, 69054110, fffffff0, 2
mach info: name pxa_mainstone, mach_init addr 0x808ae0c
SKYEYE: use xscale mmu ops
Loaded RAM ./initrd_minigui.img
exec file "vmlinux"'s format is elf32-little.
not load section .init: addr = 0xc0008000 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section .text: addr = 0xc0020000 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section __ex_table: addr = 0xc0178780 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section .pci_fixup: addr = 0xc01791b8 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section __ksymtab: addr = 0xc01791b8 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section __ksymtab_gpl: addr = 0xc017c730 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section __kcrctab: addr = 0xc017cd08 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section __kcrctab_gpl: addr = 0xc017cd08 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section __ksymtab_strings: addr = 0xc017cd08 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section __param: addr = 0xc0185dc8 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section .data: addr = 0xc0186000 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section .bss: addr = 0xc01be340 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section .comment: addr = 0x00000000 size = 0x00000000 .
not load section .note.gnu.arm.ident: addr = 0x00000000 size = 0x00000000 .
start addr is set to 0xc0008000 by exec file.
希望有经验的大侠提示一下,谢谢!! |