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Music-related commands

发表于 2006-6-30 15:11:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
cdplay play 1
Play the first track from a audio CD.
Get a free coffee  cup holder )).   (Eject the CD ROM tray).
play my_file.wav
Play a wave file.
mpg123 my_file.mp3
Play an mp3 file.
mpg123 -w my_file.wav my_file.mp3
Create a wave audio file from an mp3 audio file.
(in X terminal) Start the program to downolad mp3 files that other users of napster have displayed for downloading. Really cool!
cdparanoia -B  "1-"
(CD ripper)  Read the contents of an audio CD and save it into wavefiles in the current directories, one track per wavefile.  The "1-"
means "from track 1 to the last". -B forces putting each track into a separate file.
playmidi my_file.mid
Play a midi file.  playmidi -r my_file.mid  will display text mode effects on the screen.
(argument not given here) Convert from almost any audio file format to another (but not mp3s).  See man sox.
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