checking for FvwmM4... /usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.5.17/FvwmM4
configure: error:
You have fvwm-2.5.17, which is not up to date
You need at least fvwm-2.4.8
checking for FvwmM4... /usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.5.17/FvwmM4
configure: error:
You have fvwm-2.5.17, which is not up to date
You need at least fvwm-2.5.8
Hello chariot_lh, I got the same trouble, when I try to install fvwm-themes-0.7.0, and still looking for solution.
this seems to be a bug, since 2.5.17 is newer than 2.5.8,
I tried the current newest version: 2.5.18 and got the same error...
sorry guys, my English is poor