ext-2 -fs error (device ramdisk(1.0)): ext2 -chack-page:bad entry indirectory #43 1:rec_len is smaller than minimal - offset=0,inode=0,rec_len=0,name_len=0
ext2 -fs error (device ramdisk(1.0)):ext2_check_page:bas entry in direc #34 5:rec_len is smaller than minimal - offset=1024,inode=0,rec_len=0,name_len=0
kernel pamc:no init found try passing init=option to kernel
printing eip:
*pde = 00000000
oops: 0000
cpu: 0
eip: 0010 :[<c0105814>] not tainted
eflags: 00010202
eax:00000007 ebx:00000040 ecx:00000000 edx:00000013
esi:0000004d edi:c128d808 edp:00000007 esp:c121d44c
ds:0018 es:0018 ss:0018
process swapper (pid:1,stackpage=c121d000)
stack:00000001 00000080 00000027 00000000 00000710 00000000 c121d4dc 00000007
00000007 00000000 00000007 00000026 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000002
00000003 00000003 00000003 00000004 00000089 000000cd 000000ee 0000010f
call trace: [<c01f0d83>] [<c01f0dbd>] [<c012c103>] [<c012c160>] [<c012d573>]
[<c01f125f>] [<c013779d>] [<c01062af>] [<c01068a6>] [<c0106c02>] [<c0105000>]
[<c0105355>] [<c0105045>] [<c0105000>] [<c0107416>] [<c0105030>]
code: 8a 14 41 88 54 24 10 86 94 24 60 05 00 00 66 8b 04 q6 89
<o> kernel panic:attempted to kill init
请问出了什么问题,之前我装过一次,能装,但随后我换了快 主板是815ep(捷波)的。是不是硬件不兼容呀?
望知道者尽快与我联系。我要装slackware呀 |