I've download the ML about a month ago. And installed it on my machine these days.I think that it is the best version of the Linux which supporting in Chinese AS OUR GUYS HAVE SAID. BUT I can not find my CHINESE INPUT.I have tried Ctrl+Space and Ctrl+Shift.Only do I see nothing and I could not use Chinese to address this comment and help question.
Who can help me?
And at the first,I cannot start X.I understand probobly that it is not an easy job to support all kinds of vedio adapters,include my S3 ProSavage 256 bit 2D/3D of my lap-top which was detected as KM133 savage in Red Hat and Magic.But the RH could support it quite well without other setting though I have download the very driver from the VIA/S3 site.(I have tried it under Rh and think it is not so good,even worse than the drivers RH owns,only support 24-bit color. :-) )
OK,it's easy to solve it.mount the device which /usr is in to /mnt/other in RH with root permission and copy all the drivers of the S3 to the relative content.Like this:
#mount /dev/hda12 /mnt/other
#cp /usr/X11R6/.../driver/s* /mnt/other/X11R6/.../driver/
and at the same time change the vedio and monitor sections in the XFree86conf as RHs