楼主 |
发表于 2004-6-29 15:25:27
由于FC2 的一个BUG(应该说是LINUX 2.6 内核改变了读硬盘参数方法,导致了和WINDOWS的不兼容,据说Mandrake 10.0 COMMUNITY 也有此问题) ,在安装过程中硬盘分区表中的硬盘参数(hard disk geometry)可能会被改变, 导致安装完成后Windows无法启动."
“恢复办法: 如果安装FC2后, 无法启动WINDOWS, 屏幕上通常显示:
Chainloader +1
a) 使用"single-user mode"启动FC2
b) 执行sfdisk 命令
sfdisk -d /dev/hda | sfdisk --no-reread -H255 /dev/hda”
在http://lwn.net/Articles/86835/中提到"For reasons unknown, using the option -- quiet does not suppress all warnings so it becomes the task of the user to discover a way to still use the output as input. The simplest way is to write the output to a plain text file, editing out the warning in that text file, and using the edited text file as the input, thus:
sfdisk -d /dev/hda > MyPartitionTable.txt
editing MyPartitionTable.txt to remove the warnings, saving the edited text, and cat MyPartitionTable.txt | sfdisk --no-reread -H255 /dev/hda"即编辑txt文件,使不报错(如何编辑?)
这应该是一个普遍现象,大家没遇到过吗? |