发表于 2004-10-15 20:58:02
2. Getting images
The debian-cd team provides builds of CD images for debian-installer here:
The other kinds of images, including floppy images are in the Debian
archive, in the main/installer-<arch> directories. For example:
Daily builds of all non-ISO debian-installer images, including floppy images
and initrd's are available, for a complete list with links, see
The subsections below will give the details about which images you should
get for each possible means of installation.
2.5 Booting from hard disk
It's possible to boot the installer using no removable media, but just an
existing hard disk, which can have a different OS on it. These instructions
are for i386 systems, such as those running windows. Download
hd-media/initrd.gz, hd-media/vmlinuz, and a Debian CD image to the top-level
directory of the hard disk. Make sure that the CD image has a filename
ending in ".iso". Now it's just a matter of booting linux with the initrd.
If you have grub installed, boot grub, and do the following:
grub>kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram ramdisk_size=10000 devfs=mount,dall
grub>initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.gz
Note that the ramdisk_size parameter may need to be increased, depending on
the image you are booting.
After the installer boots, it should find the ISO you placed on the hard
disk, and continue with the install. You will not be able to reformat the
partition the installer was booted from if you use this technique. |