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发表于 2003-1-3 23:24:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我的猫是 smart link 下载了驱程,编译总是有错不知什么原因,现附 readme文件(我的英文不好)帮忙解决

Smart Link Ltd.
Apr 12, 2002
Smart Link Soft Modem for Linux
this is Smart Link Soft Modem for Linux version 2.6. It provides
full-featured 56K Voice Fax Modem.

Modem: V.90, V.34, V.32bis, V.23, V.22, V.21, Bell 103/212.
Flow control: V.42, MNP 2-4.
Compression: V.44, V.42bis, MNP5.
Fax: Class 1.
Voice: ADPCM voice compression, Digital Answering Machine.


CPU: Intel Pentiumi II, Celron. AMD K6, Cyrix 400MHz or higher.
Memory: 64MB (may work also with 32MB).
OS: Linux 2.4 series.

Supported Hardware

HAMR5600 based AMR/CNR/MDC/ACR modem cards on the following Southbridge
- Intel ICH0, ICH2
- Via 686A, 686B, 8231, 8233
- SiS 961, 630
- ALI 1535.
SmartPCI56, SmartPCI561 based PCI modem cards.
SmartUSB56 based USB modem.


1. Unpack tar.gz package file:

        $ gzip -dc slmdm-2.6.X.tar.gz | tar xf -

2. 'cd' to package directory:

        $ cd slmdm-2.6.X

3. Review and edit (if need) 'Makefile'.

   Note: Probably you will want to correct in Makefile path to your
         local linux kernel header files:


         Another way is to pass command line the parameter while
         running 'make':

                 $ make KERNEL_INCLUDES=/path/to/linux/include ...

4. Run 'make' command to compile package:

        $ make

5. Install.

   If you are going to use AMR/CNR/PCI modem type (as superuser):

        # make install-amr

   , or

        # make install-usb

   if you are going to use USB modem.

   It will install:
   - modem kernel modules slmdm.o (modem core), slfax.o (fax)
     into '/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/misc' directory
     (standard linux modules' directory).
   - hardware specific kernel module slamrmo.o (for AMR/CNR/PCI) or
     slusb.o (for USB) into '/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/misc'
     directory (standard linux modules' directory).
   - country settings data file 'country.dat' into directory '/etc'.

   Also it will:
   - create character tty device entry '/dev/ttySL0' with major
     number 212 and symbolic link 'dev/modem'.
   - config you '/etc/modules.conf' file in order to provide
     possibility for loading the modem modules into kernel on demand
     automatically by kmod, when you are going to use them.

   Note: currently you cannot use both AMR/CNR/PCI and USB Modems.

6. Config modem country.

   You can configure you current country by using module parameters
   'country' or 'country_code'.
   Add 'options' directive line to file '/etc/modules.conf':

        options slmdm country=<MyCountry>

   , for example

        options slmdm country=USA

   , or use module parameter while module loading:

        # modprobe slmdm country=<MyCountry>

   Use 'slver -c' to see list of all supported countries and their
   codes (utility 'slver' may be found in package directory).

   Note: Command ATI7 shows installed country setting.

7. Using the modem.

   Installation will automatically create character tty device entry
   '/dev/ttySL0' with major number 212 and symbolic link '/dev/modem'.
   Use one of them as modem device for your dialing application.

8. Uninstallation.

   In package directory just type:

        # make uninstall

Using RPM

1. Build SRPM and RPM from tar.gz package:

   In order to build RPM and SRPM run command:

        # rpm -ta slmdm-2.6.X.tar.gz

   It will build in your RPM directory:
   - slmdm-2.6.X-Y.src.rpm       - Source SRPM package
   - slmdm-2.6.X-Y.i386.rpm      - Core Modem RPM package
   - slmdm-amr-2.6.X-Y.i386.rpm  - AMR/CNR/PCI Modem driver
   - slmdm-usb-2.6.X-Y.i386.rpm  - USB Modem driver

2. Install

   To install Modem core package run:

        # rpm -i /path/to/slmdm-2.6.X-Y.i386.rpm

   To install Modem hw driver run:

        # rpm -i /path/to/slmdm-amr-2.6.X-Y.i386.rpm

   if you are going to use AMR/CNR/PCI Modem, or

        # rpm -i /path/to/slmdm-usb-2.6.X-Y.i386.rpm

   if you are going to use SmartUSB56 Modem.

   Note: currently you cannot install and use both AMR/CNR/PCI and USB Modems.

3. Uninstall.

        # rpm -e slmdm slmdm-<amr|usb>

Getting Started

After successful installation and configuration modules will be loaded on
demand if you are using 'kmod' in linux kernel.

Also you can load modules by hand:

        # modprobe slamrmo

if you are using AMR/CNR/PCI modem, or

        # modprobe slusb

if you are using SmartUSB56 Modem.


If you get an error message during installation/configuration or loading
the modules like 'slmdm.o: unresolve symbols ...' it may mean that
package was prepared for different linux kernel version that you have.
Run command 'slver -k' (may be found in package directory) to see what
version of linux kernel was used for preparing package.

Unfortunately it is no so flexible currently (we are working about it) to
support all versions of linux kernel. So try to obtain appropriate release
of the modem package or upgrade kernel.

Please report the problem to your modem provider or to us
([email protected]).


Look at 'editme.c' file in package directory.


Please send any feedbacks to Smart Link. See the Smart Link
web site for contact information (www.smlink.com) or to
[email protected].
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