发表于 2003-4-2 00:23:32
hehe, our dept has bee using linux for server several years. and it nenver has problem. so u need tune it?
i think one of the problem for linux is document. there are only few good document for users. so only a few people can use it. unlike ms, a vb can have 20 books to intro the grammar and skills. linuxers are programmers. most programmers dislike write document. so this is the problem.
frankly, almost all the problem i saw in this bbs can be solved by www, by searching mailing list. so when one day linux certified administrators are popular, when linux document are popular. it will be much easier for linux to spread.
now linux is for fans, especially for people that have some computer basic knowledges. redhat and madrake already work hard to make linux easier to use. for desktop purpose. 2.6 kernel also improve performance for desktop. i believe this day will come. apache, squid, samba, already gain much market share around the world. can u say they are not stable? of course, u use the wrong, not optimized conf and code. u can not run it well. now the difficulty is not to make it stable. the real problem is to allow more and more people easily run it stable. this is the importance of education. if more and more fans like u ca n share u experience at here. let more and more people know it, then thing can get better.
another problem is language. most and newest document and faq are in english. it is a pity that i can not see much chinese translation in linux document project. if some of u can contact LDP to translate all document from english to chinese and freely spread out. u push it ahead.
so a short summary: document is important. technical support is important. |