发表于 2005-5-7 04:48:35
Personally, I can not agree with you: the error of "ont" can be ignored! that's the fault of the writer of html, browser do not need to support it (even if IE supports it)
yes, but "ont" issue is not a good example for this, and
as far as I can tell, "ont" issue can not lead to any serious impact to your system or even the browser
>IE 宽广地容忍别人的错误,而 firefox 却狭隘、刻薄地不允许别人的错误,它把自己摆在高高在上的所谓
>“标准”的位子上,试图通过这种手段夺回已经占据事实标准的 IE 的巨大市场份额,这不仅仅是表面上
>幼稚的,而且是荒唐的,甚至有几分小人的卑鄙,尽管这种卑鄙和 M$ 相比可能只算是小巫见大巫
Do you think the words like "狭隘、刻薄地" can be used to describe an open source firefox???!!! How can you say that? Respecting others is the basic requirements in the open source community! Do you think firefox is a profitable orginzation? do you think "夺回已经占据事实标准的 IE 的巨大市场份额" will bring any profits to mozilla foundation?
I hope everyone would love skim I am working on, and use it in their daily life, just because I'd like to see that my efforts is not useless, just that simple.
However, as far as I know, firefox/mozilla gains market share day by day...
If we see the problem in another aspect, when firefox is adopted by a large enough community, then any sites will try to be compatible with it.
IMHO, you always like to assume what the others are thinking... which is not such a pleasent habit...
Just my own opinion... |